where am i and links

Follow the arrow and turn right: the first door is my address
Alessandro Orlandi:
Massages and wellness treatments - Organic Natural Disciplines Operator
Salita Campasso di San Nicola 1/1A
16153 Genova Sestri Ponente P.IVA: 02854280993
(700 meters from the train station, a few meters from the bus stops, 2 km from the C.Colombo Airport motorway exit, ample free parking in the area and paid parking 100 meters away - Ancifa Parking )
Telephone, whatsApp, sms: +39 39 27 20 20 50
Email: info@alessandrorlandi.it
Make an appointment: press below

Want to check out the studio? Watch the video by clicking here
Links to Alessandro Orlandi's social networks and sites